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Everything in the restrooms or staff toilets should be under Bathrooms

This is everything made of wood. So if wood needs to be fixed, then tell us

Hinges, doors in the restaurant, doors in rest rooms.


NOT doors on fridges!

Everything to do with plugs, wires and electricity


Not fridges

It is always helfpul for us to know what exactly needs fixing. So please try to explain it as clearly as you can.

This will help us to send the right person to do the job.

Below is our guide that will help you to know how to describe the problem

Thank you

This is very straight forward. The floor is the floor!

Kitchen equipment and fridges.

Different from electrical problems

Does it need to be painted. Then let us know. Ceilings, walls, whatever. This is paint

Glass stuff. windows. Not doors!




 It's Fixed?

Email us - we would like to know

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